The Beach Boys were right; who doesn’t love some good vibrations? But, if we’re being completely honest, most of us definitely have an affinity for an external vibrator.
The thought of an internal vibrator can be completely daunting. Maybe you’re putting it off with concerns like; what if it’s not comfortable? What if you hate it? What if it doesn’t hit the spot? Or what if it doesn’t fit?! You don’t want to just waste your money on something that would sit next to a pair of old undies in the very back of your sock draw.
If you’re reading this, you probably have had or are having those exact thoughts.
You deserve all the best tips, so here's what we wish we had known!

1. Go slow
Any competitive spirit will hate this, but it’s not a race! If you need to think of it as one; think tortoise NOT hare! It’s completely normal to need a warm up. Don’t be scared to use a smaller external vibrator like a bullet vibe. This way, you’re starting with something you know, and are comfortable with. Start off the next time with something like ROSE 2, a vibe where you know how she rolls and what you like with it, then once you feel ready, it’s time to reach over and grab your internal vibe.
2. Take the pressure off
Don’t make orgasming your end goal. Yeah, it sounds crazy because who DOESN’T want a mind blowing orgasm, but taking that pressure and idea off the cards is something to keep in mind for the first time. Think of an internal vibrator like a new partner, the first time you have sex will be fun and exciting, maybe a bit awkward, but full of discovery, but that first time, you don’t always orgasm! You need to work out how they roll and how they can give you what you need!
3. Lube isn’t just for partnered sex
Most of us only think to use lube when having sex with someone else and things aren’t feeling quite right! We all think that the vagina should be lubricating itself enough, but that isn’t the case sometimes. It can take a shot or two to realise maybe lube is the way to go. Just use a little, and boy does it help! Even when you may feel much more comfortable now and know your body much better, sometimes a little lube still doesn’t hurt!
4. Two for the price of one
The biggest selling point that you may not even realise is that it may be worth it to use a vibrator that can be used internally AND externally. If you’re worried about it not fitting, you don’t have to! You can still have old faithful to fall back on, a good old external vibe! Stop thinking “scared to start” and begin thinking “add to cart”, you’ll wish you did a whole lot sooner!